
Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle Launches Her New Podcast: Archetypes

Meghan Markle Discusses The Words “Ambition” With Serena Williams, and the word
“DIVA” With Mariah Carey all on her new Podcast “Archetypes”
Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex launches her new Podcast called Archetypes on
Spotify on August 23rd

. 2022. Archetypes aims at exploring the plethora of boxes

society put women in.
Meghan discusses the word “Ambition” with Tennis player Serena Williams. Serena is
her first guest.
Both Meghan and Serena talk about the double standard women face in the public eye.
Meghan recounts the first time she made an impact by demanding the “word” women be
changed to “people” in an ad she felt was sexist towards women. She also discusses

how she became friends with Serena; their upbringing in Los Angeles, and how the
media reported that she Meghan was from Compton. Meghan said:
“I’m not from Compton, I’ve never lived in Compton, my mother never lived in Compton
but by the way, what’s wrong with Compton? My girl Serena is from Compton,”
Serena added: “Kevin Costner is from Compton, Yes, he is. Google it. He even talks
about it. Isn’t it fascinating.”
Meghan also recounts a fire breaking out in her son Archie’s room shortly after she
and her husband were asked to honor their functions touring South Africa.
In a recent interview with the “Cut”, she says “there was the same celebration in South
Africa when she married Prince Harry, similar to the celebration that was had when
Nelson Mandela was released from prison.”
Nelson Mandela’ son came out slamming her claims and as expected said there can’t
be a comparison between the release of his father and Meghan’s wedding.

In the second episode of Archetypes, Meghan seats down with Mariah Carey.


In episode 2, Meghan talks about being biracial; Meghan says : “If there’s any time in
my life that it’s been more focused on my race, it’s only once I started dating my
husband, Then I started to understand what it was like to be treated like a Black woman
because up until then, I had been treated like a mixed woman. And things really
That is how her 2012 PSA came about, where she addresses racism.
Meghan and Mariah also talked about the word “DIVA.” Among the serious topics
discussed; both women made light of the conversation when Meghan referred to Mariah
as DIVA; but Mariah quickly turned that discourse and called out Meghan for having
DIVA behaviors herself – it was hilarious! Mariah is the realest!